Truth and Justice Foundation

National Innocence Project



Truth-Justice Foundation

Brain Fingerprinting
Background Information for Falsely Convicted Individuals

The following information will be useful in determining whether Brain Fingerprinting (and other forensic investigative technologies) can be applied in the case, and how this new technology may help in the case.  Please provide any information you have regarding the subjects listed below.  If you do not know some of the information, please indicate who would know the information (e.g., attorney, friend, relative, advocate, etc.) and provide their name(s), phone number(s), postal address(es), and email address(es).   

You may submit the form online.  Or, you may print this form and write in the responses.  You may fax it to 202-449-9500.

Please use additional sheets if necessary for answering any of the questions.

1.  Full name and age of falsely accused and convicted

Name:  Age: 


2.  Name, address, phone number, and email address of person filling out this form 



City:   State:   Zip:   



(Required, so that we may respond more quickly to you.)


3.  Address of falsely accused or convicted


City:    State:   Zip:


4.  Name of crime for which accused or convicted


5.  Who is the most objective and well-informed person(s) for us to talk to about the case?  Please include full names, telephone numbers, postal addresses, and email addresses. In completing this part, please name the individual(s) who, in your best opinion, possesses the most accurate information about the case other than the defendant.


6.  Full name, address, telephone number, and email address of the defense attorney(s) who defended the convicted



City:    State:   Zip:   


7.  Date of Conviction


8.  Date of the crime


9.  Court in which the defendant was convicted


10.  Description of sentence


11.  Location of the crime, including full address if available


12.  Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the police department, sheriff’s office, and/or other law enforcement organization that investigated the crime



13.  Full name, rank, telephone number, postal and email address of the investigator(s) or officer(s) that investigated the crime


14.  Full name, address, telephone number, and email address of the prosecuting attorney

15.  Name and age of the crime victim(s) and if he/she survived or not


16.  Brief description of the crime(s)



17.  Does the defendant claim innocence?

Yes   No


18.  What evidence is available that the defendant is innocent?

19.  Brief description of the defendant’s alibi


20.  Name, address, phone number, and email address of any alibi witnesses


21.  What is the most plausible explanation for the crime, other than that the defendant committed it? What evidence is there of this? Are there alternative suspects?

22.  Are there witnesses who lied at the trial in order to implicate the defendant? 
If so, please give names, phone numbers, and addresses if known.

23. Brain Fingerprinting detects information stored in the brain. It does not directly detect guilt, innocence, lying, or truth telling.  To exonerate an innocent defendant, we need details about the crime that the perpetrator would know, but the innocent defendant does not know.   Brain Fingerprinting can show scientifically that he does not have these details stored in his brain.  What is needed is information that the perpetrator would have encountered in committing the crime, but the innocent defendant has never been told in the course of the investigation and trial -- so a real perpetrator would know the information, but the innocent defendant does not.   Do you know of any details in any way related to the crime, the crime scene, or the events surrounding the crime that the innocent defendant does not or may not know?  If so, please describe in detail.

24. What would be the best source(s) that you know of to obtain details about the crime that the defendant may not know?

25.  What funds are available to pay for Brain Fingerprinting if it is determined that Brain Fingerprinting can be used to test the defendant? What is the source of funds?

26.  Any other comments regarding the case


For Frequently Asked Questions, and information on applying Brain Fingerprinting 
to  exonerate innocent suspects and falsely convicted people, click here.

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