Investigators Sign-Up Page

Sign-up Form Below

Thank you very much for considering pro bono services with Truth and Justice Foundation's National Innocence Project.

We have much need for your professional assistance and your involvement and support.

Action Foundation

Truth and Justice Foundation is an action foundation:  

Please Contact Us

Pro Bono, Nominal, and Full-Charge Candidates.  For investigators who wish to provide investigative services (1) without charge, (2) for nominal charge, or (3) full charge, please contact us at (001) 703 486 2222 and at . Also, please complete the below sign-up form providing us with your area of specialty, availability, detailed contact information, and other pertinent information.  The, please email that data to us as soon as possible.

Thank you very much and God bless you for your donated and nominal charge services.

Nash O. Thompson II, President and Founder

Investigator Sign-up Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

I want to provide pro bono services.
I want to provide nominal charge services.
I want to provide both pro bono and nominal charge services.
I want to provide full charge services.
I want to provide pro bono and full charge services.


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